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Getting Started

Get up and running with Jaeger in your local environment


Your applications must be instrumented before they can send tracing data to Jaeger backend. Check the Client Libraries section for information about how to use the OpenTracing API and how to initialize and configure Jaeger tracers.

All in One

All-in-one is an executable designed for quick local testing, launches the Jaeger UI, collector, query, and agent, with an in memory storage component.

The simplest way to start the all-in-one is to use the pre-built image published to DockerHub (a single command line).

$ docker run -d --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 14250:14250 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

Or run the jaeger-all-in-one(.exe) executable from the binary distribution archives :

$ jaeger-all-in-one --collector.zipkin.http-port=9411

You can then navigate to http://localhost:16686 to access the Jaeger UI.

The container exposes the following ports:

5775UDPagentaccept zipkin.thrift over compact thrift protocol (deprecated, used by legacy clients only)
6831UDPagentaccept jaeger.thrift over compact thrift protocol
6832UDPagentaccept jaeger.thrift over binary thrift protocol
5778HTTPagentserve configs
16686HTTPqueryserve frontend
14268HTTPcollectoraccept jaeger.thrift directly from clients
14250HTTPcollectoraccept model.proto
9411HTTPcollectorZipkin compatible endpoint (optional)

Kubernetes and OpenShift

Sample App: HotROD

HotROD (Rides on Demand) is a demo application that consists of several microservices and illustrates the use of the OpenTracing APIexternal link . A tutorial / walkthrough is available in the blog post: Take OpenTracing for a HotROD rideexternal link .

It can be run standalone, but requires Jaeger backend to view the traces.


  • Discover architecture of the whole system via data-driven dependency diagram.

  • View request timeline and errors; understand how the app works.

  • Find sources of latency and lack of concurrency.

  • Highly contextualized logging.

  • Use baggage propagation to:

    • Diagnose inter-request contention (queueing).
    • Attribute time spent in a service.
  • Use open source libraries with OpenTracing integration to get vendor-neutral instrumentation for free.


  • You need Go 1.11 or higher installed on your machine to run from source.
  • Requires a running Jaeger backend to view the traces.


From Source

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone jaeger
cd jaeger
make install
go run ./examples/hotrod/main.go all

From docker

$ docker run --rm -it \
  --link jaeger \
  -p8080-8083:8080-8083 \
  -e JAEGER_AGENT_HOST="jaeger" \
  jaegertracing/example-hotrod:1.16.0 \

From binary distribution

Run example-hotrod(.exe) executable from the binary distribution archives :

$ example-hotrod all

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Migrating from Zipkin

Collector service exposes Zipkin compatible REST API /api/v1/spans which accepts both Thrift and JSON. Also there is /api/v2/spans for JSON and Proto. By default it’s disabled. It can be enabled with --collector.zipkin.http-port=9411.

Zipkin Thriftexternal link IDL and Zipkin Protoexternal link IDL files can be found in jaegertracing/jaeger-idlexternal link repository. They’re compatible with openzipkin/zipkin-apiexternal link Thriftexternal link and Protoexternal link .