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CLI flags

This is auto-generated documentation for CLI flags supported by Jaeger binaries.

  • CLI flags for some binaries change depending on the SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Relevant variations are included below.
  • Some binaries support commands (mostly informational), such as env, docs, and version. These commands are not included here.
  • All parameters can be also provided via environment variables, by changing all letters to upper-case and replacing all punctuation characters with underscore _. For example, the value for the flag --cassandra.connections-per-host can be provided via CASSANDRA_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST environment variable.

The CLI flags for the following binaries are documented below:


Jaeger all-in-one distribution with agent, collector and query. Use with caution this version by default uses only in-memory database.

jaeger-all-in-one can be used with these storage backends:

jaeger-all-in-one with cassandra storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
Enable extra storage
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(deprecated) see
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-all-in-one
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-all-in-one with elasticsearch storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(deprecated) see
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Enable extra storage
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es-archive.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-all-in-one
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-all-in-one with memory storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(deprecated) see
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-all-in-one
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
The maximum amount of traces to store in memory
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-all-in-one with badger storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
If all writes should be synced immediately. This will greatly reduce write performance.
Path to store the keys (indexes), this directory should reside in SSD disk. Set ephemeral to false if you want to define this setting.
Path to store the values (spans). Set ephemeral to false if you want to define this setting.
Mark this storage ephemeral, data is stored in tmpfs.
How often the maintenance thread for values is ran. Format is time.Duration (
How long to store the data. Format is time.Duration (
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(deprecated) see
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-all-in-one
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-all-in-one with grpc-plugin storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(deprecated) see
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The location of the plugin binary
A path pointing to the plugin's configuration file, made available to the plugin with the --config arg
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-all-in-one
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.


Jaeger agent is a daemon program that runs on every host and receives tracing data submitted by Jaeger client libraries.

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
(deprecated) see
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.conn-check-timeout
(deprecated) see --reporter.tchannel.discovery.min-peers
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-agent
host:port of the http server (e.g. for /sampling point and /baggageRestrictions endpoint)
One or more tags to be added to the Process tags of all spans passing through this agent. Ex: key1=value1,key2=${envVar:defaultValue}
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
host:port for the UDP server
max packet size for the UDP server
length of the queue for the UDP server
how many workers the processor should run
Max number of collectors to which the agent will try to connect at any given time
Comma-separated string representing host:port of a static list of collectors to connect to directly.
Sets the maximum number of retries for a call.
Enable TLS.
Path to a TLS CA file. (default use the systems truststore)
Override the TLS server name.
sets the timeout used when establishing new connections
if using service discovery, the min number of connections to maintain to the backend
comma-separated string representing host:ports of a static list of collectors to connect to directly (e.g. when not using service discovery)
sets the timeout used when reporting spans
Reporter type to use e.g. grpc, tchannel


Jaeger collector receives traces from Jaeger agents and runs them through a processing pipeline.

jaeger-collector can be used with these storage backends:

jaeger-collector with cassandra storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
Enable extra storage
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-collector
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-collector with elasticsearch storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Enable extra storage
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es-archive.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-collector
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-collector with kafka storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-collector
Authentication type used to authenticate with kafka cluster. e.g. none, kerberos
(experimental) The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234'
(experimental) Encoding of spans ("json" or "protobuf") sent to kafka.
Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf
Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab
The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC
Kerberos realm
Kerberos service name
Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password
The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC
(experimental) The name of the kafka topic
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-collector with grpc-plugin storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The gRPC port for the collector service
Enable TLS
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
The HTTP port for the collector service
The number of workers pulling items from the queue
The TChannel port for the collector service
The queue size of the collector
Allowed headers for the Zipkin collector service, default content-type
Allowed origins for the Zipkin collector service, default accepts all
The HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service e.g. 9411
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The location of the plugin binary
A path pointing to the plugin's configuration file, made available to the plugin with the --config arg
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-collector
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The path for the sampling strategies file in JSON format. See sampling documentation to see format of the file
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.


Jaeger ingester consumes spans from a particular Kafka topic and writes them to a configured storage.

jaeger-ingester can be used with these storage backends:

jaeger-ingester with cassandra storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
Enable extra storage
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-ingester
Interval to check for deadlocks. If no messages gets processed in given time, ingester app will exit. Value of 0 disables deadlock check.
The number of messages to process in parallel
Authentication type used to authenticate with kafka cluster. e.g. none, kerberos
The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234'
The Consumer Client ID that ingester will use
The encoding of spans ("json", "protobuf", "zipkin-thrift") consumed from kafka
The Consumer Group that ingester will be consuming on behalf of
Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf
Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab
The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC
Kerberos realm
Kerberos service name
Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password
The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC
The name of the kafka topic to consume from
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-ingester with elasticsearch storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Enable extra storage
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es-archive.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-ingester
Interval to check for deadlocks. If no messages gets processed in given time, ingester app will exit. Value of 0 disables deadlock check.
The number of messages to process in parallel
Authentication type used to authenticate with kafka cluster. e.g. none, kerberos
The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234'
The Consumer Client ID that ingester will use
The encoding of spans ("json", "protobuf", "zipkin-thrift") consumed from kafka
The Consumer Group that ingester will be consuming on behalf of
Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf
Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab
The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC
Kerberos realm
Kerberos service name
Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password
The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC
The name of the kafka topic to consume from
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-ingester with grpc-plugin storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The location of the plugin binary
A path pointing to the plugin's configuration file, made available to the plugin with the --config arg
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-ingester
Interval to check for deadlocks. If no messages gets processed in given time, ingester app will exit. Value of 0 disables deadlock check.
The number of messages to process in parallel
Authentication type used to authenticate with kafka cluster. e.g. none, kerberos
The comma-separated list of kafka brokers. i.e. ',0.0.0:1234'
The Consumer Client ID that ingester will use
The encoding of spans ("json", "protobuf", "zipkin-thrift") consumed from kafka
The Consumer Group that ingester will be consuming on behalf of
Path to Kerberos configuration. i.e /etc/krb5.conf
Path to keytab file. i.e /etc/security/kafka.keytab
The Kerberos password used for authenticate with KDC
Kerberos realm
Kerberos service name
Use of keytab instead of password, if this is true, keytab file will be used instead of password
The Kerberos username used for authenticate with KDC
The name of the kafka topic to consume from
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.


Jaeger query service provides a Web UI and an API for accessing trace data.

jaeger-query can be used with these storage backends:

jaeger-query with cassandra storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
Enable extra storage
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
The number of Cassandra connections from a single backend instance
The Cassandra consistency level, e.g. ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE (default LOCAL_ONE)
(deprecated) Jaeger will automatically detect the version of the dependencies table
The Cassandra keyspace for Jaeger data
The name of the Cassandra local data center for DC Aware host selection
The number of attempts when reading from Cassandra
Password for password authentication for Cassandra
The port for cassandra
The Cassandra protocol version
Reconnect interval to retry connecting to downed hosts
The comma-separated list of Cassandra servers
Cassandra's keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0
The duration to wait before rewriting an existing service or operation name
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
Override the TLS server name
Enable (or disable) host key verification
Username for password authentication for Cassandra
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-query
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-query with elasticsearch storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Enable extra storage
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es-archive.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit
A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled.
The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit
The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch
Optional prefix of Jaeger indices. For example "production" creates "production-jaeger-*".
The maximum number of spans to fetch at a time per query in Elasticsearch
The maximum lookback for spans in Elasticsearch
The number of replicas per index in Elasticsearch
The number of shards per index in Elasticsearch
The password required by Elasticsearch
The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200
The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
(experimental) Store all span and process tags as object fields. If true .tags-as-fields.config-file is ignored. Binary tags are always stored as nested objects.
(experimental) Optional path to a file containing tag keys which will be stored as object fields. Each key should be on a separate line.
(experimental) The character used to replace dots (".") in tag keys stored as object fields.
Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout
Enable TLS with client certificates.
Path to TLS CA file
Path to TLS certificate file
Path to TLS key file
(insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
(experimental) Use read and write aliases for indices. Use this option with Elasticsearch rollover API. It requires an external component to create aliases before startup and then performing its management. Note that es.max-span-age is not taken into the account and has to be substituted by external component managing read alias.
The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-query
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.

jaeger-query with grpc-plugin storage

FlagDefault Value
The http port for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.
Configuration file in JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, or Java properties formats (default none). See spf13/viper for precedence.
Salt used when hashing trace id for downsampling.
Ratio of spans passed to storage after downsampling (between 0 and 1), e.g ratio = 0.3 means we are keeping 30% of spans and dropping 70% of spans; ratio = 1.0 disables downsampling.
The location of the plugin binary
A path pointing to the plugin's configuration file, made available to the plugin with the --config arg
(deprecated) see --admin-http-port
help for jaeger-query
Minimal allowed log Level. For more levels see
Defines which metrics backend to use for metrics reporting: expvar, prometheus, none
Defines the route of HTTP endpoint for metrics backends that support scraping
The base path for all HTTP routes, e.g. /jaeger; useful when running behind a reverse proxy
Allow propagation of bearer token to be used by storage plugins
The port for the query service
The directory path override for the static assets for the UI
The path to the UI configuration file in JSON format
(deprecated) please use SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE environment variable. Run this binary with "env" command for help.